T Minus 7 days to Catalyst EU

I’ve been a bit quiet on Tuesdaynight lately… sorry – it has been a bit crazy around here lately.

At any rate, we are 7 days away from Burton Group Catalyst EU! In the 7+ years that I’ve been involved in one way shape or form with Burton Group, I’ve never been to a Catalyst EU – so I am very excited. For those of you joining us, you are in for a treat – John Seely Brown will delivering the keynote for us. Besides Mr. Brown, the IdPS team has got some great content waiting for you:

  • Bob will kick things off with a look to the future identity architecture
  • I’ll be talking about the IdM market as a whole
  • Lori and I will have a serious conversation with our dear friend – provisioning

Fun for the whole family…

For those of you not heading to Prague, follow the conversation on Twitter. We’ll be using the #cat10 for the conference and the identity conversation will be on #idps.

See you there either in person or virtually…

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