"identity commons"
•ab 211
•access certification
•access governance
•active directory
•akimbo systems
•alan cooper
•big brother
•Burton Group
•chain of trust
•chicken rice
•civil unrest
•complaince ccm
•Compliant Provisioning
•credit card fraud
•Current Affairs
•david foster wallace
•design hotel
•federated provisioning
•fine-grained authorization
•goal oriented design
•hotel basico
•identity business models
•identity center
•identity consolidation
•Identity Management
•Identity Management
•Identity Management
•identity mapping
•interaction design
•it grc
•kevin kampman
•location privacy
•lori rowland
•martial arts
•nanny state
•playa del carmen
•preventive controls
•privacy mirror
•real id
•relationship management
•risk management
•safari 4 beta
•sb 541
•secure flight
•security theater
•segregation of duty
•Shunryu Suzuki
•social graph
•social networking
•star wars
•tai chi
•tractor man
•trusted computing base
•united sucks
•user provisioning
•verified by visa
•virtual directory