The Moments Ahead for Identity

[My address to the European Identity Conference 2016. Although this starts like my TCP/IP Moment talk it goes in a very different direction. In some regards, I think this might be the most important talk I have ever written and delivered.

Giving credit where credit is due – the ideas in this piece are the distillation of many many conversations over the years. I am deeply indebted to the following peers for their help, encouragement, ideas, and support: Allan Foster, Robin Wilton, Nat Sakimura, Josh Alexander, Chuck Mortimore, Joni Brennan, and Josh Nanberg.]

Remember when we used to pay for a TCP/IP stack? Remember when we paid for network stacks in general? Hell, we had to buy network cards that would work with the right stack.

But think about it… Paying for a network stack. Paying for TCP/IP. Paying for an implementation of a standard.

How quaint that sounds. How delightfully old school.

But that’s what we did!

And now? No one pays for a TCP/IP stack.

When network stacks became free networking jobs didn’t go away. I would posit that we have more networking engineers now than we’ve ever had before. Their jobs morphed with the times and changes in tech.

It’s mid-2016 and I think we need to admit as that the identity industry now looks a lot like the networking industry did at its TCP/IP moment. The standards are mature enough. The support for them is broad enough. And another thing, not taking a standards-based approach is antithetical to the goals of the modern enterprise.

Simply put, identity is having its TCP/IP moment. And this TCP/IP moment will spawn other moments in identity management.

I want to talk about three impactful moments ahead for our industry:

  1.  Standards-based identity
  2. Outcomes-based identity
  3. Professionalized identity

I want to talk about these moments and changes associated with them, but keep in mind that although great change is ahead, we need not be afraid of that change. Continue reading The Moments Ahead for Identity