Among the sessions in this year’s Computers Freedom and Privacy conference was a panel on the recently released National review of cyber-security. Ed Felten presented three related areas that he believes have to be improved in equal measure to improve overall cyber-security:
- Product development
- System administration
- User behavior
But, to me, there was something missing from the list – product design.
Too often I have seen products whose user interface, in fact its entire user experience, was constructed after the fact. First the special sauce gets codified, then the chrome is put on and product gets a face. It is easy to recognize products that have been built in this way as they tend to expose their internal data models to users, forcing users to adopt the metaphors of the engineers that built the product in the first place. These types of products make problems internal to the product problems for the end-user and this can lead to very bad things. See Three Mile Island as an example. Poor user experience design leads to so-called “user error,” but is it really user error if the end-user is confronted with meaningless alarms, confusing error messages, and misleading feedback?
At CFP, I talked to Bruce Schneier his research that went into Beyond Fear to get a better understanding of the psychology of fear and its relation to security. As you probably know, humans (and other animals too) are fantastically bad about evaluating risk. Optimism bias and other factors cause us to either over or under-estimate risks. Combine this with the fact that how choices are presented directly influences how choices are made and you realize the crucial need to build better user experiences for security (frankly, all) products.
“Is everything okay with the mother ship and should we blow up Russia?” This is the question presented Buckaroo Bonzai and I think I’ve seen a form of it as a dialogue box in Windows. Would it be considered user error if an end-user pressed the “Yes” button and nuked Moscow? Bad design is at the least confusing and at the worst dangerous.
I did talk to Ed afterwards and he acknowledged the role of design in product development. As he said, if we only attempt to improve one of the three areas product devolvement or system administration or user behavior we won’t improve cyber-security; we have to improve all three. User experience design as a part of an improved product development processes can directly lead to better more informed user behavior. Okay you product managers and designers make your voices heard – better safer products through better design!
(Cross-posted from Burton Group’s Identity Blog.)