“Always be ready to shake someone’s hand”

Last week my grandfather died.  He was the last of my living grandparents.  His decline since the passing of my grandmother was extremely swift.  One day he was a spritely 93 year old.  He got sick and bang!  He was struck old and declined from there.  We were lucky to see him in decent shape over Passover.

Among the many many things that he taught me was an important lesson in human relations.  “Always be ready to shake someone’s hand,” he once told me, “No matter who they are or how dirty the hand is.”  (I think he said this in regards to shaking his car mechanics hand even though it was covered in grease.)  It was a simply lesson  but one that stuck with me since I heard it as a child.  It is one I have tried to practice throughout my life.

For some reason this lesson reminds me of piece from Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki in which he states that one should always be ready to bow, even on your deathbed.   For now and for always, my heart will bow to my grandfather for what he taught me about the arts, life, living and family.

Tractor Man avoids more jail time

In March of 2003, Dwayne Watson drove a tractor onto the National Mall.  He stayed, sitting on his John Deere, in a small pool in Constitutional Gardens… for 2 days.  Long story short SWAT team gets involved… blah, blah, blah… domestic terrorist… blah, blah,blah… caused lots of traffic in DC.  And it is for that last point that he was sent to jail.  You can read a more accurate portrayal of this in the Washington Post.

At the time, this story just cracked me up.  Living in DC in the center of all the hyped-up DHS bullshit, I found this tobacco farmer a refreshing change from the War on the Things Under the Bed.

Looks like Dwayne got a short sentence according to federal sentencing guidelines.  But to paraphrase the judge, there was little value to the public in sending Tractor Man back to jail.  For more see the Post.Continue enjoying your freedom Tractor Man!