Apologies for not getting this out sooner.
After having a great time at #CISNOLA I recovered a bit. In that time I got a lot of feedback on my micro-keynote on professionalizing the identity management industry. Lots of of very encouraging feedback.
There was a common theme to these conversation – I signed the pledge; so now what happens?
From a long term perspective, I simply don’t know.
On a shorter timeline, here’s what I do know. Kantara is going to leave the pledge page open for a few more weeks. Around July or August, Kantara will convert the pledge list to a working group. This discussion group will explore what a professional organization for our industry should look like. I have recommended that that working group spend the rest of the year identifying what the organization ought to look like, what it should do, what it should not do, etc. My hope is that around the beginning of 2017 the organization gets going in earnest.
Well that seems like a long time to wait you might say. True. But we’ve gone 30 years without a professional organization – 180 more days isn’t going to kill anyone. Having gone through the creation of one organization already, I am in no rush and I think the Kantara leadership is of a similar mindset.
In the meantime, what can you do? Send your colleagues to the Kantara pledge page. Talk with your peers about what you want to see in a professional organization for our industry. Find similar organizations that are doing interesting things and brings those things to the working group when it starts.